2 thoughts on “CONTACT”

  1. Hi Carla…Rick Guenette shared your contact info with me
    I am a live music promoter from Chilliwack BC. I primarily promote Duane Watson (aka BC’s award-winning, longhaired redneck, son of a war vet) and also work with several artists and band. I am booking a fantastic live music show featuring Duane and 2 (also award winning) artists. We will be touring the island and will be in your area in mid-April … I would love to showcase these guys on either April 11th or 25th, so please let me know if that works for you and what you’d need from me to secure a booking at the Loft. (We stopped in and took in a fabulous Sunday Jam late last Spring…we loved it!! We met Rick and other musicians and we’ve been in touch ever since…we follow them on FB)

    1. Hi Diane – thanks for reaching out, and sorry for the late reply here. The Loft primarily books local acts exclusively and, both April 11 and 25 are not available. If you have a following in Victoria, I’d try the new Coda (previously Hermann’s) – I was just there today to check it out, and they’ve got the big and small room depending on your audience. All the best with the tour!

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Carla Olive Music